Saturday, February 2, 2008

Amazing math trick that proves 2 = 1 !!!! Can this be true?

Haf a good look at this video...

Did you realise what went wrong???? Do leave your answer as comment...


Anonymous said...

On the LHS, when (a+b)(a-b)/(a-b), it means that (1+1)(1-1)/(1-1)=0.
On the RHS, when b(a+b)/(a-b), it means that 1(1+1)/(1-1)=0.

Therefore a+b=b is false. 2 is not equal to 1.


Anonymous said...

er, the only reason i think it's wrong is because, ... maybe we cannot subtract or add to equations, we can only multiply or divide. if we were to subtract or add to it, it will cause the whole equation to change and therefore not the same as the original equation anymore. guess guess one la...=x

Anonymous said...

cannot divide by (a-b) as a=1, b=1 then (a-b)=0.
Nothing can be divided by zero!
Thus, the solution is wrong!

Anonymous said...

Both sides of the equation cannot be divided by a-b, cause'since a= 1,b= 1 ,a-b=0. Numbers cannot be divided by zero. That's what i think anyway...

Florence :)

Anonymous said...

is it a-b=0 then anything multiply by 0 is 0.. therefore the equation is wrong.. is it? i guess de..